Healthy - Wealthy - Homestead

Hello I am,

Spencer Haskins

Educational Consultant

I believe self-reliance brings true freedom to live life the way you want, not the way you are told.

My Story

About Me.

I have always had this burning fire inside to be self-reliant. I didn’t know it at the time, but looking back it is evident in my passions and hobbies: entrepreneurship, herbs, essential oils, permaculture, aquaponics, canning, freeze drying, passive home design, off-grid living, foraging for mushrooms and wild plants, brewing beer…honestly, the list goes on. I even took up woodworking because I didn’t like any of the overpriced junky furniture they sold in stores, so I decided to just build my own! (I probably went a bit extreme there 😊)

It has been a wild ride, and I would like to share 3 key stories from my life that have helped shape my desire to serve you and have guided me to developing my 3-cornerstone approach to self-reliance: Health, Wealth, and Homestead.

Why I Want To Serve You.

*Wealth* I worked hard to get to where I am today: Went to the best college in my field, got amazing grades, obtained my dream job, and climbed the corporate ladder quickly. I had it all; high salary, amazing house, great family – I had done everything I set out to do in life to be out on my own and “self-reliant”.

No sooner did I reach this achievement and feeling of euphoria that I felt like something wasn’t right. I crunched some numbers and did some research and realized I was never going to get ahead: I messed up! I realized we are taught the wrong things growing up about money, and that getting a great education, working a good job, and saving money was going to lead me to a 40+ year career in the corporate grind with an average retirement. This was unacceptable to me...

On top of this discovery, COVID happened, and it showed me that I could have everything that I worked so hard for in my life stripped away from me in an instance. It hit me hard that I wasn’t self-reliant at all; in fact, I could control nothing in my life solely because I didn’t control where my income came from. I felt cornered and powerless, alongside millions of other people going through the same thing. An online business solves both of these problems, and THIS IS WHY I WANT TO SERVE YOU!

*Health* At a very young age I had health problems. I was in and out of doctor offices for the strangest things up through my early adult life (when I educated myself!). I went to the best of the best doctors, and it was always the same story – take this pill, go see this other doctor, etc. Nothing ever really got better, and to make a 25-year long story short, after having to convince 3 ER doctors on 3 separate occasions that I did NOT have appendicitis and to leave my appendix in, discovering one of my diagnoses isn’t actually a real disease, and being prescribed medicines that did much more harm than good, I knew I would have to rely heavily on myself to provide the medical care I needed. I now feel better than ever, and there are millions of people out there with similar stories who I know I could help. THIS IS WHY I WANT TO SERVE YOU!

*Homestead* Even when I was young, my mother was putting pesticide down in the garden, and I remember asking, “The bag says it affects the nervous system of the pests, so how do we know it isn’t doing the same for us?”. The response: “Ohh, honey, they test these things and ensure it is safe for humans”. Fair enough, I thought, until I educated myself when I got older, and this emerged as a plausible cause of my health issues.

Furthermore, there is nothing more satisfying then producing and preserving your own food. The awesome feeling you get when all of your hard work turns into something YOU NEED that tastes amazing. You feel great knowing it was grown from non-GMO plants, produced without chemicals, and that you are feeding your family the best food possible. Even better, knowing that if it is food instead of toilet paper that is sold out next in the store, you have the skills to still provide for your family. THIS IS WHY I WANT TO SERVE YOU!

How I Can Help.

I am determined to help spread education in the 3 cornerstones of self-reliance, not just for my own personal growth, but for as many people as I can – we deserve more. The more people I drive to be truly self-reliant, the more people will have the knowledge, skills, and financial freedom to stand-up for their rights and beliefs without having to worry about it negatively impacting the lives of their families. In fact, these skills can help foster building an amazing life for you and your family by increasing time for hobbies and family, being healthier and eating healthy, increasing your salary, living where you want, and so much more. Let me help guide you to fortifying your self-reliance. To get started and learn more about the 3 cornerstones of self-reliance, check me out on my “Healthy Wealthy Homestead” Facebook™ Group. We are stronger together as a group...See you in there!

My Story

About Me.

This is John Doe. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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To Get in Touch

Contact Me.

+1 (603) 823-3053

19 Barnes Road #2109

North Conway, NH, 03860

+1 (603) 823-3053

19 Barnes Road #2109

North Conway, NH, 03860

Copyright 2020 Our Phoenix Rising, LLC, DBA Healthy Wealthy Homestead All rights reserved